School Uniform
It is our policy that all children wear school uniform every day when attending school and participating in organised school events outside of school hours.
Our school uniform consists of:
- grey skirts, culottes, trousers or shorts.
- royal blue or yellow polo shirt, sweatshirt or fleece with or without the school logo.
- children may wear blue or yellow check summer dresses.
- all pupils must wear black shoes or all black trainers.
PE bags can be purchased through the school. All other uniform can be purchased via Gooddies Ltd https://www.gooddies.co.uk/product-category/schools/stillness-junior-school/
PE Kit
Navy blue or black shorts, white T-shirt, trainers or plimsolls and a navy blue/black tracksuit for outdoors PE.
On the days that children have P.E they may wear a navy blue tracksuit (with or without logo) with their school polo shirt (yellow or royal blue) and change into their white one for the lesson. Please note that children should wear non marking plimsoles for PE when using the sports hall otherwise they may go bare foot.
Uniform Swap
We also have in stock a selection of branded and unbranded pre-loved school uniform from Y3 to Y6. We cannot guarantee we will have the size you require as we rely on donations, however you are free to pop in and see what we have. We will happily take in any of your unwanted pre-loved uniform to add to the pile for other parents to enjoy. We hope this uniform exchange will allow families whose children have outgrown uniforms to hand them in while accessing uniforms in larger sizes without having to buy new clothes and cut down on waste.