Frequently Asked Questions
If your question is about the curriculum, class room procedures or your child’s progress, please talk to the class teacher or year group leader. You can also email direct to your child’s teacher via the email link below.
The headteacher or deputy headteacher is available if your question cannot be answered in this way. Questions about issues such as dinner money, holidays and absence should be addressed to the school office.
Key contacts:
Mrs M Nichol – Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Z Renner-Thomas – Deputy Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead – deputy@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
Mrs P Brown – Inclusion Lead/SENCo and Safeguarding Lead – inclusion@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
Miss Rachel Enwonwu – School Business Manager – sbm@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
Ms Kim Kennedy – PA to the Headteacher: kim@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
Y3: Miss A Curtis/Mrs Z Renner-Thomas/Miss S Fatania – y3@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
Y4: Miss M Rooney/Mrs J Evans – y4@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
Y5: Miss O Gayer/Mr C Sloan – y5@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
Y6: Mrs L Threadgold/Mrs S Beeke – y6@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
Safeguarding: safeguarding@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
Music: music@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
Medical: medical@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
We recommend seeing your child’s teacher at the end of the school day when they have more time to deal with you, than at the start of the day, which is always a bit hectic! An appointment can be made between yourself and the class teacher via your child/ren’s school planner.
Yes, your child will be given homework.
If your child would like to change from school lunch to packed lunch please let the school office know via email; admin@stillnessjs.lewisham.sch.uk
We very much welcome parental support in the school. You can get involved in the following ways:
- Help in class (talk to your office who will be able to assist you).
- Accompany the class on school trips.
- Come to curriculum assemblies.
- Help run an after school activity.
- Become involved in the Stillness Community Association.
- Help run events.
- Become a parent governor.
Please ensure you ring the school office on 020 8690 1416, before 8.50am, to inform us that your child will be absent.
Stillness Junior School is a single story building with ‘step-free’ access to the main school building, annexe hall and Y6 block. There is also a designated disabled parking bay in our school car park to the right of the school.
Please feel free to contact the school office on 0208 690 1416 if you have any further queries relating to disabled access to the school.