Curriculum & Assessment
Physical Education
PE at Stillness
Key Principles of our Curriculum
Our children will:
- receive an hour of high-quality PE lessons each week
- take part in The Daily Mile 3 x a week
- be active for as much of each session as possible (teachers will carefully plan activities and routines to make the most of the time available)
- have access to a sufficient quality and quantity of PE equipment
- evaluate their own work and the work of other children, supporting and encouraging each other to succeed and to make progress within and across lessons and activities
- have the opportunity both to collaborate with and compete against each other
- develop confidence and competence across a range of activities and skills and an understanding of how to succeed in a range of physical activities
We ensure that a high-quality physical education curriculum, that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities, is taught throughout all year groups. The PE curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way, which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect and therefore the children at Stillness have access to inter and intra school competitions throughout the year. We provide learning opportunities that allows all children to take part and make progress.
We are part of the Little Leaders Programme where we attend sports tournaments and compete against other schools. Additionally, we are a part of the Association for Lewisham Primary Schools (ALPS), were all years compete in a variety of competitions such as quick sticks hockey. We have been really successful in a 2015-2016 being variety of different competitions. When competing, the Y6 mixed rugby team came second in the inter borough competition. Additionally, there is both a girls and boys school football team made up of children from both Y5 and Y6. These children play in the Lewisham League in Blackheath. During school, the Y5 children also have the opportunity to go swimming at Forest Hill Baths, with a daily 2-week intense programme. During this time, children really develop their skills and confidence and a high percentage of children reach the targets of swimming a distance of at least 25m, using a range of strokes effectively and can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
The highlight of the year is Sports Day, which is held at Kings Ground. This is a chance for the children to show off their skills in both field and track events, and to take part in fun events too. Parents are welcome and encouraged to come and see their children compete in this lovely sporting venue.
We encourage children to join clubs outside school to further their sporting adventure. We currently have both girls and boys playing football for clubs outside school, a girl’s netball team and children attending classes such as roller blading and gymnastics. Children attend swimming, athletics, dance, skateboarding and tennis clubs outside of school where they can continue to develop their own interest and expertise in their chosen sport.
The curriculum incorporates a varied programme of dance, gymnastics, athletics, orienteering and a variety of team games. Children are taught two lessons of PE a week one with a specialist coach and the other with their class teacher. The scheme of work used ensures pupils are taught to:
- use running, jumping and catching in isolation and in combination
- play competitive games, modified where appropriate, for example, rugby and hockey, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
- develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics.
- perform dances using a range of movement patterns
- take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team, such as curling and archery
- compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best
The children’s fitness is assessed throughout the year, whereby they partake in a whole class bleep test. This allows us to track and monitor the fitness of each individual child which they love! We are proud to be a part of the daily mile where children and teachers can walk, jog or sprint around our daily mile track for up to 15 minutes each day.
All of this allows our children to experience a variety of sports through high quality teaching that is engaging and fun. From our lessons, our children learn how to develop and progress as well as take responsibility for their own fitness and health. We aim to provide lessons and experiences that equip children to love sport where they will grow up to be healthy and fit using the skills, knowledge and practices we have taught them in PE.
Outdoor Adventurous Activities
Children have the opportunity to participate in outdoor adventurous activities during their Y6 residential visits. These experiences include canoeing, team building, hill-walking, climbing, caving and orienteering. Throughout their time on residential visits, the children are able to focus on teamwork, pushing themselves physically, leadership, risk-taking, resilience and experiencing new challenges and environments. These are hugely valued and eagerly anticipated learning opportunities for all of our pupils during their time in these year groups.
Assessment in PE
Our pupils’ achievements and progression within PE is monitored and assessed against our Life Skills Assessment grid. Every child is assessed through observations against the 4 criteria’s Physical, Social, Emotional and Cognitive at checkpoints throughout the year to ensure that they are at the age-related expectation.
PE Overview & Knowledge Organisers
Below you will see our PE Overview for the year and our variety of knowledge organisers. We are very lucky, as a school to have a whole host of coaches visit us throughout the year, as well as teachers with sporting experience, and so our PE curriculum is subject to change, throughout the year, dependent on coaches we secure and pupil voice outcomes. Our knowledge organisers show a variety of sports we may visit throughout the year for you to read and familiarise yourselves with.
KS2 Tennis Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Rounders Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Hockey Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Gymnastics Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Football Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Fitness and Health Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Basketball Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Athletics Track and Field Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Netball Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Circuit Training Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Handball Knowledge Organiser
KS2 Dodgeball Knowledge Organiser
Beyond the Curriculum
At Stillness Juniors our learning goes beyond the curriculum and is supplemented in a number of different ways. We enrich our knowledge through workshops – some led by our wonderful parents, themed days, school trips, team sports, and afterschool clubs to name some. Head over to our gallery and our Instagram page where you will see a showcase of these activities.