

We are delighted to inform you that we have retained our ‘good’ judgement in our latest Ofsted inspection.  Below are a some of the fantastic comments from the report, but to download and read the full report, please visit the Ofsted website.

  • Pupils enjoy coming to Stillness Junior School
  • Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school
  • Classrooms are calm and purposeful
  • Pupils feel safe and are kept safe at school
  • Pupils readily take on responsibilities, such as being members of the school council
  • Leaders have high expectations for the achievement of pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)
  • Pupils try their best to meet these expectations by listening carefully and working hard
  • Pupils are prepared well for the next stage of their education
  • Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum
  • Teachers have secure subject knowledge and use this effectively to present new content
  • Pupils make numerous visits to the school library, which is regularly staffed by parent volunteers, which encourages pupils to develop positive reading habits
  • Staff accurately identify pupils with SEND. The school works alongside a range of professionals to ensure the right support and resources are in place
  • Staff and pupils share respectful relationships
  • Pupils have positive attitudes to learning and they follow routines and expectations well
  • Pupils’ personal development has been carefully thought through
  • Staff are proud to work at Stillness Junior School, they are supported well by Leaders and feel that their work is valued and their wellbeing is considered
  • Governors know the school well
  • Safeguarding is effective.