About Stillness

The School Day

The school is organised into four separate year groups, which are categorised as follows:

Y3: 7/8 years old, Y4: 8/9 years old, Y5:  9/10 years old and Y6: 10/11 years old

This continues the grouping system first started in the infants. We review the classes at the end of Y3 according to the needs of each cohort to form their new Y4 class.

Children will sometimes be supported by teaching assistants, who work with groups or individuals. All our teachers work in teams and support each other and this could involve them teaching each other’s class to share their expertise. This is all done to improve the quality of learning.  Each year group will have variations on which lesson is taught when but generally Maths and English are taught in the morning and Science, PSHE, History, Geography, Spanish, Computing, RE and PE in the afternoons. Music and Art are taught by Specialist Teachers while class teachers are released to plan, prepare and carry out any assessments.

Children receive a minimum of 32.5 hours teaching per week. The school day is 5 hours and 45 minutes, excluding lunchtime.  A typical school day is as follows:

Time Activity
8.45am School gates open: pupils walk straight into their classrooms
8.50am Pupils in class ready to learn
9.10am Assembly (on specific days)
9.00am – 9.35am Handwriting/early morning work/foundation subject lesson (non assembly days)
9.30am – 10.30am Maths or English
10:45am – 11:00am Playtime
11:00am - 12noon Maths or English
12 noon to 12.30pm Guided Reading
12.30pm to 1.30pm Lunchtime
Afternoon sessions Foundation subjects
3.30pm School ends for all children

Breakfast Club: There is a breakfast club available each morning from 7:45am for any child needing to be looked after, for which there is a small charge. If you wish to secure a place for your child, please visit the Teachsport website on: https://teachsport-lewisham.class4kids.co.uk/

Lunch time: Following Government Guidelines, all primary school children will now receive a school dinner free of charge for the academic year 2024/25.  Children may have school dinners, packed lunch or go home for dinner (as long as the school is informed).

End of the Day: Children are released at 3.30pm.  Parents/carers can collect their children from the junior school playground.  We do ask that child/ren are collected promptly after school so that the after school clubs can begin. Y5 and Y6 children are permitted to walk home alone with written consent from the parents/carers.  A form can be obtained from the school office.

After School Club:  Children are offered a variety of activity clubs along with a general club until 4.45pm. Parents then have the option of extending the day until 6pm which includes the serving of a small, healthy snack. To book a place for your child, please go to:  https://www.teachsport.org/TSc4k/lewisham

Timetables: Please click for your child’s current class timetable.  Please note these can be subject to change.

Iona Timetable

Otford Class

Salehurst Timetable

Ivy Timetable

Parbury Timetable

Gabriel Timetable

Grierson Timetable

Bexhill Timetable

Montague Timetable