
Transition Guidance

SEN Transition Guidance

Our school is committed to the welfare of each child.  Care and attention is given at each stage of the individual’s transition to, through and beyond the school.

Aims of the transition guidance:
Transition can be an unsettling time e.g. key stage one to key stage two, can be especially so due to the change of sites from the infants to the juniors. Children who are anxious may become withdrawn and unresponsive or demonstrate inappropriate behaviours.  Both extremes can inhibit learning.

The aim of this guidance will be to:

  • Promote the smooth transition of children at the start of each new setting.
  • Prevent and alleviate anxiety and stress.
  • Promote continuity of teaching and learning.

Key Principles

  • The collection of information prior to the children starting in a new setting will be in cooperation and partnership with parents, existing staff and receiving staff.
  • Discussions and collection of information will focus on the whole child and not just child development or academic achievement i.e. routines, interests, family unit, relevant medical information alongside any additional needs.
  • Timescales for transition vary to meet the individual needs of the child.

Infants to Junior transition (Y2 to Y3)
Transition work is usually completed during the summer term.

  • Most children join our school from Stillness Infant School, however, pupil’s with an EHC plan at Stillness Infant School undergo a formal consultation for a change of setting. This is sent by the LA to Stillness Junior School to ascertain whether we are able to offer the pupil a place.
  • Infant Special Needs and Disabilities Coordinator completes passport for each child to pass onto junior school.
  • Identified children (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Looked After Children) received additional support before and after transition.
  • Transfer of records to junior school.
  • Four to six weeks programme for SEND and vulnerable children in the small groups.
  • Y2 visit the Y3 classrooms.
  • Inclusion Lead observes Y2 classes.
  • Handover notes are completed by infant staff team and transferred to the junior staff team.
  • The Inclusion Team in the juniors meet with the Inclusion Team and parents in the infants.

Year to year transition
Throughout the child’s time here, smooth transition from class to class will be encouraged by:

  • Discussions take place with teachers so that they can share their preferred year groups.
  • The Inclusion Team and Leadership Team meet to discuss the classes and which teachers would be suited to which classes.
  • Key children with needs/Education, Health and Care plans/ vulnerable /Medical will be taken into consideration and support staff will be carefully matched to the needs of pupils. Some may go with the child to the next year but in consultation with parents, it may be agreed that some children with Education, Health and Care plans will benefit from having someone new.
  • Teachers meet in summer term to discuss individual children including whether they have learning and medical needs.
  • Children spend a few sessions in their new class with new their new teacher.
  • Transfer of orange inclusion files, Individual Educational Plans/ Pupil passports and data is shared with new teacher as.
  • In order to help with continuity and progress, the following most recent books will be passed onto the receiving class:
    • English
    • Mathematics

Primary (KS2) to Secondary (KS3)

  • Transition work starts in the spring term and the Inclusion Team and Y6 staff will complete additional information for pupils on the ‘SixIntoSeven’ online portal.
  • Visit to secondary school (where possible).
  • Outreach Inclusion Services will carry out intervention and transition support with key children.
  • Y6 staff deliver a transition programme to all children.
  • Inclusion team will meet with key members of staff from the secondary schools and discuss children. This can also be virtual meetings.
  • Y6 teacher and inclusion team complete profile and relevant forms for each child.
  • Secondary school may visit children at primary school- this could be virtual visits.
  • Transfer of records to secondary school.